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Software Engineer Develops For Bank Projects - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
Can a Software Engineer work on a project for a Bank Facilitating & Collaboration in sin
Software Engineer in interest based bank, working in any department, salary haram? Assim al hakeem
Creating a Product or Designing a Software that can be used for both halal & haram - Assim al hakeem
Software Engineer Develops For Bank Projects By Assim Al Hakeem
Is it permissible to work at Google? - Assim al hakeem
Is my income haram if my company make me do projects for clients doing haram business Assim al hakee
Working as a software Engineer in an interest based Bank, income Haram? 🏦 assimalhakeem -JAL
Is working in a bank permissble | Assim Al Hakeem
Ruling on working for a company that has a mixture of halal & haram projects - Assim al hakeem
Working in interest based bank or in Travel agency issuing tickets or as immigration officer? Assim
Helped my friend get debit card of an interest based bank, am I sinful? - Assim al hakeem